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Yearly Astrology Horoscope 2017 for all signs � What the stars and the planets are telling you about 2017

In astrology, 2017 is a difficult year because there going to be a lot of endings in order to come the new beginnings. The main planetary conflict this year is the square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn which bring big changes in the world and ourselves personally and especially in our jobs, our economics and in our relationships. The signs that will have this year the biggest painful changes, loses and big battles are mainly Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The planet of luck, Jupiter, will be in Virgo, and will bring many good things and support from our loved ones, from sports and other athletic activities that we will get involved with, and will make us more loving and creative.
Jupiter in analytical Virgo Until September 9 and his Powerful affect in every single sign – In which areas is going to bring us Luck

In Astrology, Jupiter in analytical Virgo until September 9 is going to bring us more good things in health and work issues. According to astrology, Jupiter will open up a lot of opportunities. As astrology shows us Jupiter will bring lots of luck to those they deserve it, working hard about this and have many-many talents to bring to the world. This kingly sign will go right out of its way to make anything happen for cherished friends and family, whenever it's humanly possible. While it's not your ultimate goal, this unparalleled devotion ensures that you'll receive the same in return. Jupiter in Virgo emphasizes the need for confidence in our work and the importance of cooperation, while also bringing strong energy to help you.
Neptune in Deceptive Pisces Until 1/26/26 – How is going to affect our lives and what will bring to every single sign

In Astrology, Neptune in Deceptive Pisces Until 1/26/26 will bring a new wake up call world wide so that we should start feeling as one. According to astrology, Neptune will try to change the way we see and feel things. As astrology shows us Neptune will open hearts with hope, spurring faith and compassion that cut across national, religious and racial lines. Neptune dissolves the boundaries of ego and individuality that limit imagination and keep us from caring for one another unconditionally. We are reminded that the material world is only a container for subtler dimensions of spirit and soul that can wash away our earthbound wounds. We will not be sure of what road to follow, as there going to be a lot of mistrust and misleading. We will not know who and what to trust.
Moon Phases in Astrology and Beauty cycles - What activities are associated with the best of each of the phases

In astrology Moon phases - new moon, rising moon, full moon and decreasing moon- influences your behavior. Even though it may seem strange, the moon influences factors such as hunger and satiety, fat accumulation, disposal and water retention and biorhythm in general. Here is what activities are associated with the best of each of the phases.
See How the Ascendant in Astrology Influences Your Life

The ascendant in astrology means a lot after the age of 30, from when one is characterized more by the ascendant, than by the zodiac sign. The ascendant shows how the others see you, how you represent yourself in the society and what image you project. Depending on the ascendant you interact with the ones near you, you have a certain attitude regarding life. Therefore, the ascendant can emphasize or melt down the characteristics given by your zodiac sign. In karmic astrology, the ascendant shows a part of the lessons that you have to learn in this life.
General Characteristics for Each Zodiacal Sign In Astrology

The Ancients were the first to notice that everything is related in the Universe, as Astrology and the cosmic events are perfectly synchronized with the earthy ones. Furthermore, as there are 12 different zodiacal constellations in Astrology, that are repeating each year, it was noticed that there is a strong connection between someone's personality and that corresponding astral events. Read this article to read the general characteristics of personality depending on the zodiacal sign in astrology.
What Type of Lover Is He In Astrology?

Astrology can show us what type o lover is he. At the beginning of every relationship, all in love man makes everything possible to impress his new girlfriend, so he will adopt a perfect behavior. So, don't fall into the trap. Aries. We already know that Aries are born leaders. In a couple, the Aries want to have all the control and that's why he is attracted to apparent docile women who let him make the first step. He could offer you strong emotions, but not stability.
What Kind of Father Will He Be According to Astrology?

Have you ever wondered what kind of father your partner will be? If the answer is yes, than for sure you will want to read our below lines with the help of astrology. Today we thought to ask a bit the stars to see what the zodiacal signs tell about the man form your life. Will he be a good father? Don't forget that this information is guiding and the features of personality are given both by zodiac sign and the ascendant.
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