Diet plan | | More articles | List of articles | | Body blitz: nutrition - The perfect diet plan
The usual reality is a beauty version of Groundhog Day: stunning changes, big plans and illusions that falls apart in a few months (or weeks). But this time can be different: we can learn to eat healthier, to be motivated, to make more sport and to finally approach to our physical ideal. The problem is the following: as higher objectives we establish, as much we need a stronger motivation to accomplish them - hence, the failure. Consequently, it is important to make some small, prepping steps for getting, eventually, closer to our ideal. So, here's the Easyarea guide for getting the dreamed body and for keeping it, based on feasible steps and easy to achieve targets. The perfect diet plan is not to be on diet, but to adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle: to eat smart and to move smart! |
| Body Blitz: Fitness
The second part of a smart diet is sport. But not anyhow because not all the exercises have the same efficiency - some of them tone faster the muscles and at the same time burn better the fats. Often asked what exercises have more effect, tested the most popular exercises, measuring the muscles' activity and the generated effort by each and one of them. Here are the most effective moves for muscular toning: The best exercises for but |
| Lose a Size in 2 Weeks – Diet for 2 Weeks
You want to lose a size in 14 days without being on a severe diet and quitting your portion of chocolate or cookies? Here is a solid workout plan that promises you to lose a size in 2 weeks, if you stick to it, of course. Start at the beginning of the week with plan A, followed by power walks. The next day do the plan B, followed by running. In week two, do the “make it harder” exercises and alternate speeds while running. Good luck! |
| Tips to Detoxify after Holidays
No matter how hard we would try to stay away from the tasty, yet fat, sweet and with too much calories, traditional foods for holidays, we will not make it. In fact, it seems fair, since it is a real torture to smell and watch them right in front of you. Not to mention the cases when others are eat them right in front of you. But, on the other hand, this delights have their price and after the fun is ended, you have to bear the consequences and start recovering what you loss: your body shape. |
| Tighten Your Skin after Weight Loss, Diet or Pregnancy
Sometimes when you lose weight you also gain loose skin. This problem most often develops in your face, neck, under arms, abdomen and thighs. Some exercises can help to tighten these areas. Each exercise is designed to not only tighten the skin but also to tone and firm your muscles, which also reduces the appearance of sagging loose skin. |
| Tone Your Arms in 4 Weeks
Show off sleek, sexy arms in 4 weeks with this targeted routine to tone your arms. Shapely, sculpted arms are possible-at any age. All it takes is this 10 minute workout you can tailor to your fitness level. These four arm toning exercises work the chest, shoulders, and arms from every angle to tighten and firm the droopiness that can start when you lose lean tissue in your 40s. After a month of these easy arm toning exercises, you'll be on your way to show-off arms that will look great in sleeveless tops and dresses whenever you bare your arms. |
| What to Eat Before and After a Workout
If you want a fit body and you work for it and you don’t know what to eat before and after the training in order to make it the most efficient, Easyarea gives you the answers. Here's the lowdown on what you should consume before a workout: Cardio ONLY workouts (44 min or less): Have a few extra minutes to squeeze in a quick High-intensity interval training or even just go for a power walk? If you are only doing a cardio workout, you should have a 50-100 calories source of quick digesting carbohydrates to rev up your metabolism and keep your body burning fat throughout your workout. |
| Diet and Fitness Tips from Olympic Athletes
For the majority of the athletes, the weight control is based on restrictive diets and hours of training. Basically, everything they eat must be counted and weighted before. When they want to lose weight, before a competition for instance, they change the diet with a more permissive one or they make their own diet, depending on their body. "From athletes’ point of view, losing weight has a more important significance that in a woman's case who must get rid of some kilos to fit in the favorite dress for a party. If they don't have the necessary weight, they simply can participate to the competitions for which they've trained so hard", says Jennifer Gibson, nutritionist of the Olympic Committee of the USA. |
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