Weight loss | | More articles | List of articles | | 10 Foods That Could Ruin Your Fitness Class
Nutrition is very important for a healthy body, especially for the one that needs extra energy and will to carry out the fitness routine. Find out below 10 products that can sabotage the success of your gym class. |
| Get In Shape with the workout of Tae Bo
Many ways to lose weight circulated around women who want to have a beautiful silhouette. The experts recommend as an efficient proved method to lose weight, the exercises used in Tae Bo. Tae Bo is the latest fashion in matters of exercise, a combination between aerobics, ballet, karate, boxing, hip hop dance and workout with weights. One hour of training can burn about 500 to 800 calories, compared with 300 to 400 calories lost during an aerobic classic workout. This “sport” improves balance, coordination, mobility, strengthens muscles and even bones. |
| 5 Diet "Things" That Can Fatten You
Do you try with all your powers to lose weight? You don't exactly know what exactly is sabotaging your diet? Pay great attention to the things that, seemingly are poor in calories, and recommended in diets as being "healthy" or non-invasive, but in reality they keep you from reaching your goals. We all have some tricks that we use when we want to weaken a bit. |
| With Your Back at the Mirror: the New Method of Losing Weight
It is unbelievable how inventive women can be when we are talking about losing weight, diets and wonder menus. In spite the fact that all the experiences have proven until now that the longest road is also the safest one and that only a balanced diet and practicing sport represents the solution for a thin body, women still feel owed to find continuously new shortcuts. |
| Get Fit with Kangoo Jumps
After years in a row we’ve hit with force in the thin air to the Tae Bo rhythm and we tensed our muscles with Pilates exercises, it’s time for a change! The reinvention of aerobic is called Kangoo Jumps! Kangoo Jumps is the name given to a pair of boots fitted with springs and stretching bands. They look exactly like rolls, just instead of wheels there are on each side applied separately, elliptical arcs. The name is not given for a specific technique, because it does not need specific exercises, it combines the existing ones: aerobics, tae bo and jogging. Kangoo Jumps are safe and offer many health benefits for everyone, regardless of age. |
| 6 Foods Fatter Than a Cube of Butter
They look good, tasty, and juicy, you call them whatever you want to, but when you eat them you should do it knowingly. If you could be given a whole cube of butter, would you eat it? No?! Then do not eat any foods below, foods that are actually cubes of fats. Before you read about the following dishes, I would advise you to do it with full bellies. They sound good and most likely most of you have tasted them at least once, but even so, the next time you crave them think that you are actually eating pieces of butter in large quantities and you know it well that it is sickening. |
| Yoga Poses to Reduce Tension Headaches
If you're prone to headaches, you probably know some of the triggers: Stress, lack of sleep, hunger, allergies, sinus problems or eye strain. But have you considered that your posture, and a lack of oxygen, could bring on your headaches? Many people sit or stand with rounded shoulders and head jutted forward. Poor posture affects your respiratory system and blood circulation to the brain; which can cause muscle tension—resulting in a headache. If your headaches arise from tension, then you might want to consider yoga. Yoga helps ease tension headaches by relaxing muscles in your head, back, and neck, boosting circulation to your brain and upper body, and improving your posture. |
| 5 Diet Mistakes to Avoid During Holidays
As we get closer to the end of the year, we are happy that Christmas is coming with all its joys as gifts. Yet, one of us is worried about the culinary temptations that this moth brings with it and their consequences. It is to be admired if you manage to keep your weight and if you also have the time for gym classes. But in reality, most of us, as we are invited to many parties and dinners, don’t manage and we end gaining a few kilos. |
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