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Author: Steve Smakin
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Survival Basics – Weather Prediction

There are quite a few skills that will help you survive if you are stranded in a wilderness area. One skill that you will be really happy to possess is the ability to predict weather.

Most people do not understand how important this is until they have to face the elements all on their own.

In fact, one does not have to be in the wilderness in order to appreciate this skill because bad weather can strike at any time and it usually has disastrous consequences for the hapless humans who are caught unawares.

If there is one rule that one has to follow when it comes to weather it is that one should always be prepared for the worst. Torrential rain or heavy snow can ruin your hiking trip and it can also be very dangerous.

You should be well prepared for any possible weather conditions that a place could have by reading up about it.

If a certain area is known to have torrential downpours at a certain time of the year then you will be very lax in not having the right rain gear with you.

You should always dress in layers and carry waterproof clothing with you so that you can be prepared for any eventuality.

There are plenty of places you can get information about the kind of weather a place gets and how bad can it actually be.

Other hikers will be glad to give you all the tips they possess. Even so, you will need to read certain climactic conditions in order to find out what is coming your way.

Cloud formations in the sky give you the biggest clues about what weather to expect. If you see wispy Cirrus clouds way up in the sky you can expect that a warm front is moving in your direction.

This means that you can expect precipitation within 48 hours or so.

If you see Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus clouds next then you can be sure that you are in for rain or snow, depending on what kind of precipitation the place normally receives.

The former type of cloud resembles rippled rows whereas the latter type consists o thin, bright sheets of cloud.

When Nimbostratus clouds appear, looking grey and thick and lying very low in the sky, you can be sure that rain or snow follows next.

Cold fronts, on the other hand, appear very quickly and hardly give you notice of their arrival. They can also cause wind directions to shift and are therefore very unpredictable.

They are heralded by Cumulus clouds, white and puffy looking, that build up throughout the day. They usually indicate that it will rain later in the day.

Cumulonimbus clouds are ominous looking and they extend far into the upper reaches of the atmosphere. The arrival of these clouds indicates that you are in for a spell of bad weather.

It is a good idea to include an altimeter in your outdoor survival kit. It will indicate that a cold front is on its way by showing a rise in elevation even though you are not climbing.

You can take it to indicate that the air pressure is dropping and that it is going to rain or snow very soon. This will help you take measures to stay out of the rain or snow well in advance of its arrival.

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