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Author: Tin Pan
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Particularly advantageous is for you, Uranus in the friendly sign of Aries from 05/28/10 to 08/14/10 and later from 03/12/11 to 03/06/19 which will try to make you more 'open' to new ideas, concepts, thinking and also to your actions. You will see a lot of people, do a lot of things and see some situations with another point of view, a totally different perspective and explore different paths and trails in all areas of your life that will make it easier. You will expand into new areas, but you should be very careful not to make impulsive and too risky moves in order not to lose something important eventually. Many positive changes in your life will come from individuals, partnerships, contacts and traveling in foreign countries, which will give you new opportunities to create things that you love and you will be benefit considerably. Pay more attention to important thinking, decisions and movements that you can not have sudden twists if you're not well organized. Make sure you can hold your nerves in the discussions with people you disagree. Just listen to a different opinion. It can be useful.


In a new place Uranus at the sign of Aries from 05/28/10 to 08/14/10 and later from 03/12/11 to 03/06/19 will bring you suddenly new charges which you will feel extremely irritated and want to have everything neatly on economics, but you will be in a position that you will not be able to count accurately. At that time is more likely that costs come from others, rather than yourself, or from your past debts that you thought you had settled and now you recall. At love field will occur suddenly adventures with strong sexual nature, tense and very strong but that will be very short and will have no future. If you already have a stable relationship, many will experience a brief secret love affair, but where it is most likely to be revealed sooner or later and seems that you will be forced to suffer the unpleasant consequences. If you are free it is likely that there will be stabilized in a relationship and the other person won’t be able or do not want to commit.


With Uranus opposite your sign, in Aries, from 05/28/10 to 08/14/10 and later from 03/12/11 to 03/06/19 certainly it won’t be the best time for you. It will bring a lot of tension, disagreement, even fighting that will be generated mainly by others, somewhere around you and will not be at your hand. But what you will heat more is that you lose your desirable peace and harmony in all your relationships. People who are beside you with love, friendship, professional, family relationships and partnerships will disagree on many things with you. You will be forced to change some things because of the attitude, decisions and actions of others, although you will find it very difficult to do so, but you can not do otherwise. Many of you might go for a final separation in a stable relationship, a divorce or a breakup of a long collaboration. This time is not the best to make new relationships and partnerships if you would rather to remain stable in your life, and don’t want to be temporary.


Suddenly problems on both health and your work will bring the presence of Uranus in the sign of Aries from 05/28/10 to 08/14/10 and later from 03/12/11 to 03/06/19 and there for you need more patience in order to overcome them. The difficulty for you is that frustration is growing inside of you and you must reduce your patience when you get similar problems so you can react logically and diplomatically, which will be needed in most cases. Many changes will incur in your business and will be inevitable because of the difficulties that exist in the market and probably because you do not provide alternative ways. Dare to have alternatives to your business with the help of your intuition that you should trust. Health problems will be presented suddenly that afflict you, but will disappear suddenly, as suddenly appeared. Do not take impulsive decisions on work and health without first to think very well, because you will make mistakes you will not like at all and you will be discomfort enough.


Courage, determination, new creative ideas and intense eroticism will fill in the space of Uranus in the friendly sign of Aries from 05/28/10 to 08/14/10 and later from 03/12/11 to 03/06/19 which is particularly favorable for you. In love everything can happen. You will have love at first sight and fatal relationship where you least expect it, but surely you will be given the opportunity to refresh an older stable relationship before going to stagnate. Make new things on both relations and other areas for an overall renewal will help to reclaim and feel much different and much more alive. The fun dynamic re-enters your life in a new format that you like better and have more and better choices. We're very creative and you can make new beginnings where ever you want. Save your time and avoid excessive risk. A general update at your outer appearance will help you embellish even more and be more attractive in the eyes of others, but primary at yours.


Vast changes in matters concerning home, family and real estate you are to wait with Uranus in the sign of Aries from 05/28/10 to 08/14/10 and later from 03/12/11 to 03/06/19, changes that you afraid but probably will not be able to avoid. As for whether they are painful or not, it is up to you, and you will definitely see them coming but you will make it more difficult if you try to resist them and do not prepare properly for them. At times maybe you will feel that you miss the earth beneath your feet and that all "stable" references you have in your life are going to disappear. Begin to create most solid foundations for yourself and get away from dependence on people or things that you feel are your main backups. Rely more on yourself to feel safer. Changes, tension and work will certainly occur, but should remain calm and have patience to overcome them.


The new position of Uranus, your ruler, at the sign of Aries from 05/28/10 to 08/14/10 and later from 03/12/11 to 03/06/19 is likely a nice place for you. But what to look out for is your nerves and your sudden bad reactions which will be difficult to get back bad words and movements you said or did. You will lose it more often and will make impulsive decisions and moves far more often than would be wrong because it will entangle even more, rather than help. It will increase your need for more freedom of movement where they will rebel against those who would try to deprive you. New, intelligent, creative and innovative ideas and inspirations you will constantly throughout this period with Uranus in Aries, where if you can organize them wright and put them into effect you can achieve amazing things. Many travel movements, contacts and new deals will help you to do all you want, but it will be difficult to stabilize somewhere, and you will probably make many new startups, but with uncertain duration.


You had many years of Uranus "above" your head and already made the most changes in your life, and still trying to adjust to new circumstances. As Uranus passes by the next sign of Aries will start to bring you the peace that you wanted for so long and stop bringing constantly reversals in your environment with an exception on 08/14/10 until 03/12/11 which will pass for the last time from your sign and cause the last tremendous changes. Uranus in Aries from 05/28/10 to 08/14/10 and later from 03/12/11 to 03/06/19 will try to reshape your financial situation and change completely the way you operate at your finances and especially your profits. It will bring you suddenly and without warning new revenues from people or activities that you don’t expect much. New technology is an area that will be very conducive to economic issues this time. In matters of love it will stop all the ups and downs that you had before and you will be able to stabilize a relationship with less tension. In matters of business will calm many rivalries and disputes you had before with your partners and coworkers and you will can work more relaxed.
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