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Author: John Pan
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Emergency Toilet for Disaster Afflicted Areas

A new toilet called the Ho! Toilet has been designed for use in areas that are affected by disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

Excelsior has introduced the toilet as an alternative when there is no running water or supplied toilets within the area.

The odors of the Ho! Toilet can also be suppressed for nearly a year when the supplied tablets are put into he toilet before use.

The toilet comes as a kit that includes a variety of things including chemical tablets, a vinyl bag, a poncho, and a frame.

The toilet seat is created from the vinyl bag and the frame.

The poncho is used for privacy to cover yourself. Once you finished your business, you just simply tie up the bag and dispose of it.

The unit is designed to be very compact and easy and quick to use.

The tablets that are included with the toilet as well are composed of lime mixed with a multitude of other chemicals and it creates a chemical reaction within the unit that kills off the bacteria as well as suppresses the odor, decomposition, and release of the gases within the toilet. This makes sure that the waste can be store for a long time if necessary.

The vinyl bag makes the toilet to essentially become burnable trash, but since disasters usually delay trash collection for a long while, the tablets ensure that nothing will smell or decompose for a long time.

You can leave it in your house or in your garden or pretty much anywhere. This wouldn’t even be possible without the tablets, as the smell would be unbearable.

Other emergency toilets provide powdered chemicals that have to be sprinkled after use, which make the task very unpleasant and uncomfortable.

The tablet can be inserted into the bag in advance to avoid this unpleasant activity. A single kit usually costs about $6.50 in US dollars and about $25.00 for sets of ten.


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