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Author: St. Pan
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Most women want big breasts and although it is hard to believe, there are women who have these breasts, but need a surgery for making them smaller, because they have become unaesthetic, cause them back or shoulder pain, difficulty in breathing, skin irritation beneath the breasts, skeletal deformities and chronic breathing disorders.

It’s hard to believe it, isn’t it?


For these women it is recommended breast reduction surgery.

Through this procedure the fat, the glandular tissue and excess skin is removed, achieving at the same time the reduction of the size of the areola and a lifting of the breast.

Since the initial consultation
an analysis of the general health is made.

For this intervention, besides the usual tests,
a mammographywill be made also.

If everything is ok, the surgeon will discuss the surgical technique.

It is important to tell them your expectations about the shape and volume after the surgery, like breast and areola new position and size.

Regardless of surgical technique, in most cases,
the surgeon will make an incision “inverted V”
, which has three components: one around the areola, one vertical, and one horizontal. In this way, the skin excess and glandular tissue is removed, and the rest of glandular tissue is repositioned. Also, the areola is moved in a new position established preoperatively.

In most of the cases,
the areola remains connected to the vessels and nerves which ensure viability, but in rare cases, in large breasts, the areola is detached as a free graft, subsequently reattached to the new position. As an adjunct for the remodeling the side portions of the breasts, the liposuction can be used.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 3-4 hours

After surgery,
a hospital stay of 24-72 hours is enough in most cases.

It is also possible to use
drain tubes for 1-2 days postoperatively to facilitate the elimination of any blood and fluid collections.

Daily activity can be resumed after 10-14 days, the physical light weight after about 3 weeks, and strenuous efforts after 2 months.

Also, after the intervention there could be
lower sensitivity in the areola.

This is temporary
and it will take weeks, months, and maximum a year, until you will return to normal sensitivity.

Still, it is important to know that
scars are permanent and at some people, they are more visible. Fortunately, the incisions in this operation are located in areas that can be easily well covered.

In the end, regarding birth and breastfeeding can have unpredictable effect on the shape and size of the breasts; still many women make the intervention before pregnancy.

If you are going to breast-feed in the future, discuss it with your plastic surgeon.      


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