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Author: Tin Pan
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Women And Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives have become very common among women. In fact, these are being taken by women religiously these days. Adolescent women and teenagers are the most common users of these pills.

Contraceptive pills are often prescribed for young women and adolescent girls for the following listed conditions:

* Irregular menstrual periods
* Absent menstrual periods
* Menstrual cramps
* Acne
* Endometriosis
* Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Girls diagnosed with PCOS are usually prescribed oral contraceptives to reduce their levels of hormone. This helps in regulating their menstrual periods.

Oral contraceptive pills are also commonly referred to as hormonal pill, "the Pill", or OCP's. These are known to contain different types of female hormones (synthetic or man-made). These include progestin and estrogen.

These hormones are naturally produced in women by the ovaries. Many types of oral contraceptive pills are available these days.

Here is brief description on some of the most common types of pills available on the market for women:


Oral contraceptive pills are prescribed for moderate to severe acne when most of the over-and prescription medications fail.

The hormones available in most of the oral contraceptive pills are effective in preventing acne formation. You must exercise patience in order to see best results. It may take several months together for these pills to work.

Menstrual Cramps

Sometimes, menstrual cramps cannot be cured by prescription or over-the-counter medications. Doctors may prescribe oral contraceptive pills under such circumstances.

These pills may prevent ovulation. Periods are also lightened by these pills.

Heavy Menstrual Periods

Oral contraceptive pills are known to be very effective in decreasing the amount and length of bleeding during menstruation.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Contraceptive pills can subdue and cure symptoms of PMS including bloating, mood swings, soreness in breast, acne etc. These symptoms are usually experienced 2 weeks prior to a period of young woman. These pills are usually prescribed to stop ovulation.

The hormone levels are also kept under control. Symptoms of PMS tend to improve by regular intake of contraceptive pills.


Oral contraceptive pills are also helpful for women who do not want to conceive during sexual intercourse.

Medical Benefits

There are many medical benefits of taking prescribed contraceptive pills. Women have decreased chances of developing anemia or low count of red blood cells in the body due to heavy menstrual bleeding.

Most of the prescribed oral contraceptive pills can reduce the chances of getting endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and ovarian cysts.

Side Effects of Oral Contraceptive Pills

* Spotting or very light bleeding may be experienced during the first three weeks of taking contraceptive pill. This usually continues up to 3 consecutive cycles.

* Nausea or a feeling of vomiting may develop.

* Headaches are quite common with women taking oral contraceptive pills.

* Mood swings may occur.

* Pills can prevent acne. However, some women tend to develop acne from these pills!

* Breasts may get tender or become larger.

* Increase in appetite.

* Weight gain.


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