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Author: Gloria V. Pan
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Have You Tried the Cabbage Soup Diet Yet?

As a dieter, you know that following a strict diet is not easy at all. There are times when you really feel like giving up on diet and resuming your earlier habits.

During such a situation, you need to remind yourself that its only by sticking to your diet with complete dedication that you can shed weight.

So if you are planning a diet that is not as strict and still allows you to get rid of your bulging tummy, then you can safely try the popular cabbage soup diet.

The Cabbage-soup diet is also popularly referred to as the 'Mayo Clinic' Diet or the Hospital Diet This particular diet is good for losing weight.

It is essentially about having soup made from cabbage for a week. While on a cabbage soup diet, the dieter is supposed to have only those food items that have been specified by a dietician.

How to Prepare the Cabbage Soup:

You can prepare the cabbage soup easily at home. For this, you need to first cut some vegetables and allow them to boil in a utensil.

Allow the vegetables to boil until they turn tender and soft. You can use the following ingredients for the soup.

- one cabbage, 5-6 onions (green), six onions, six carrots, pepper for taste, five celery stalks, three large tomatoes, four spoons uncooked rice (brown rice), Salt for taste.


This particular diet offers very little calories. However, you can still reduce weight as you won't feel tempted further.

The soup is good for avoiding starvation and you won't feel hungry often. Many dieticians recommend that the cabbage-soup diet cannot be continued for a long period and you should follow it only for a week's time.

Benefits of the Cabbage-Soup Diet:

1. You tend to lose more weight even as you continue eating cabbage.
2. The diet programme allows you to have a lot of soup made from cabbage.
3. Since cabbage-soup is made from water, your body will remain hydrated throughout the day.
4. Cabbage-soup diet has a higher level of fiber and lower calories in comparison to other soups.
5. You won't feel too hungry throughout the day, thanks to the composition of the soup.
6. You won't have to give up on meat either.
7. It will last only for a period of 7 days.

Seven day Cabbage-Soup Dieting Programme:

First Day:

Have fruits but avoid bananas. You can have cabbage soup, depending upon your wish. Have fruit juices like cranberry juice as well.

Second Day:

On the second day, you are supposed to have a lot of vegetables and ignore fruits. Along side the cabbage-soup, have raw or cooked vegetables. However, do not have peas, corn and beans. During the evening, you can have baked potato along with some butter.

Third Day:

Mix vegetables and fruits on the third day. Don't have banana. However, consume a lot of vegetables and fruits along with soup made from cabbage.

Fourth Day:
On the fourth day have as many as 8 bananas. In addition, have skim milk and lots of cabbage soup.

Fifth Day:

Add little beef to cabbage-soup. You can also add 6 potatoes and 6 tomatoes. If you don't like beef, then add chicken to the soup. Have atleast 6-8 glasses of water on the fifth day.

Sixth Day:

Consume beef on the sixth day. You should have lots of vegetables alongside your cabbage-soup.

Seventh Day:

Have brown rice along with vegetables (raw or cooked) and cabbage-soup.


Remember, this particular diet is only for a limited duration. After the conclusion of a week, switch to another diet programme recommended by your dietician.

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