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Author: Tin Pan
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Money fights in Marriage: Effective ways to stop these Fights

Money fights in marriage is not a new thing. These days, couples are independent. They earn and share responsibilities of their family. However, money fights have become more of a threat to marriages, these days.

Couples fight because they do not agree with the regular investment and expenditure on various things for the family. Small tiffs are not a problem. However, when these fights become a constant affair, finding a solution becomes necessary.

Here are some easy yet effective tips to stop money fights in marriage:

* Fight fairly:

Fighting about money in marriage is not a sin. However, both of you should learn how to fight wisely and fairly. Remember that it is quite normal for your partner to disagree with your expenses. The key is to reconnect after a disagreement.

You may even think of taking up a management course with your partner to understand money management in marriage in a better way.

* Long term goals:

It is crucial for you and your partner to have long term financial goals. It is not unnatural for young couples to enjoy eating out together, wear popular branded clothes and spend extra perks lavishly. However, this should be restricted as far as possible.

You need to set long term financial goals with your partner to secure your future. Measuring financial decision on long term requirements versus short term requirements scale will assist you in stopping regular tiffs and fights over money.

Plan financial goals together:

The key to stop money fights in marriage is to plan things together. You must plan all your long term as well as short term financial goals together. This will let you save and spend money without disagreeing on each other. When you don’t disagree with each other, you don’t fight.

* Make each other understand:

It is quite natural for one of the partners to save more and the other to spend more. Too much of spending and too little spending has its own advantages and disadvantages.

If your partner spends too much make him/ her understand the repercussions of the act and tell him/ her how living on salary to salary can affect them in future.

If your partner is a miser then you need to make him/ her understand that spending on necessities in life is not a sin. Tell him/ her that not spending on necessities such as health, hygiene and daily living can make you spend an enormous amount of money in the long run.

* Stock good reputed finance related books:

Reading about money management will help you both understand about the importance of saving more and spending less.

Don’t lie:

Do not lie to your partner about money. Most of the fights happen because you lie to your partner. If you have done something that should not have been done or spent more than what you have just agreed on, confess to your partner. This will avoid a huge conflict that would rise later due to lying to your partner.

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