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Author: Tin Pan
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One of the key elements for influencing the direction and flow of chi in your home is furniture placement.

There are some important things to be considered while placing the furniture to ensure that the flow of chi is not blocked, distorted, or forced in any way.

To influence certain aspects of your life, you need to keep a few things in mind regarding furniture arrangement.

For influencing the health aspect of life:

the eastern area of the home should have colors like black, red and green, since the sun rises from that part of your house.

You can also place images of trees, fish ponds and streams there. You can add organic accessories or plants along with bright lights there as well.

For the overall well being of the family and the children at home:

the western part of the house should be influenced.

You can use colors like dark blue, yellow and white here.

You can place things like stones, accessories in round shapes, toys, family photos, crystals and awards there.

To achieve fame in life:

focus on the southern part of the house as this represents the part that gets the maximum sunshine.

Use colors like yellow and red here.

You can put objects that represent you in that corner like your photos, awards and trophies. You can put electrical appliances and wooden objects in that area as well.

The business aspect of your life: 

can be focused upon through the northern side of the house or the main entrance of the house.

You can use white, dark blue, gray or black colors. Metals like copper, bronze and gold and objects in irregular shapes should be placed in that corner. The computer, desk and the phone can be put there as well.

To improve the love aspect: 

the farthest right corner from the room’s entrance or the house’s southwest corner are the areas to be focused upon.

You should use earthy colors and hues like yellow and brown or fire colors like red and pink there.

Stones and metals are great as well.

The area can also be decorated with romantic objects, crystals and photos.

The far left entrance of the room or the southeast part is where you should focus for money related concerns: 

Use colors like red, black or green there.

You can use round-leaf plants and add a red ribbon to them.

Put three coins underneath the plant.

You should keep out things like storage items, pointy plants, electrical appliances and coffee pots from this part of the house.

The northwest corner is:

for friends and travelling, and here you can place travel posters, brochures and luggage and other accessories like rocks, crystals and angel items. Use colors like light blue, turquoise and silvery white there.

The northeast area is: 

for the knowledge aspect of life.

You can use colors like gray, white, yellow, red and brown. Metals and earthy materials can be used here as well.

For the basic well being and feng shui of the place, there are a few things that should be considered with regards to furniture placement:

The furniture should be arranged for comfort and coziness and there should be plenty of space for the flow of chi.

The main pieces should be placed in a commanding position or simply in the space which faces the door and to the side.

The placement of the bed is very crucial as well. Placing the bed right at the front of the door and sleeping with your feet towards it is the worst position for the bed, and is known as the coffin position.

The head should be kept away from the window to ensure that your personal energy does not escape outside.

The stove should be kept in a position so that the cook does not cook with his back towards the entrance. There should be space between the furniture and the place should be free of clutter at all times.

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