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Author: John Pan
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Knowing about chin augmentation surgery

Chin augmentation or the surgery for chin implant is also called mentoplasty. It increases the chin’s width or/ and projection which alters the shape. To achieve the effect wanted an implant is used which is made of either porous biocompatible material like Medpor or of solid silicone.

Benefiting from chin augmentation

People with natural weak chin as compared with the facial bone structure’s proportions can benefit most from chin augmentation surgery. Chin augmentation can balance out facial features of people who consider rhinoplasty and acts and a complementary procedure.

Best candidates of chin augmentation surgery

Non smokers are considered as the best candidates to perform mentoplasty on as in most cases they remain in good health and have a normally functioning jaw and immune system. Realistic expectations and a positive outlook about the entire procedure are very important in a patient.

Pre-operative things to consider in case of chin augmentation surgery

To confirm the status of your health the surgeon will order lab tests before the operation. There may also arise the necessity that certain medications are adjusted, ceased or taken during a week or two ahead of the surgery. This may include avoiding anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal supplements and aspirin. In case you are a smoker, the doctor may ask you stop smoking.

The surgeon will be able to determine the shape and size best suitable for your implant among the many available choices.

Downtime and recovery after chin augmentation surgery

Non-strenuous activities can be resumed by most patients immediately 24 hours after the surgery but driving should be avoided while the patient is on pain medication. Laborious exercises or work should not be done until at least the passage of 2-3 weeks.

The chin should not be subjected to excessive motion or force around this time like playing contact sports. However, the guidelines may differ widely according to the personal health of the patient, techniques involved and a number of other factors around the surgery.

During the recovery period the patient may feel some tightness around the chin area and some facial movements may be impaired or restricted but on a temporary basis. In case of development of severe pain, the doctor should be informed.

Complications and risks involved in the surgery

The following may be the complications involved in the surgery:

* infection requiring implant removal
* skin discoloration or unfavorable scarring
* hematoma or  excessive bleeding
* wound separation or poor wound healing
* fat or skin necrosis
* anesthesia risks
* blood clots
* deep vein thrombosis
* fluid accumulation or persistent edema
* pulmonary and cardiac complications
* permanent or temporary change or even loss of sensation in the skin
* persistent pain
* shift of the position of the implant, causing pressure on adjacent nerves or facial structures
* unsatisfactory results which may require revisional surgery
* formation of excessive scar tissue, skin contour irregularities and/or firmness about the implant

Cost of chin augmentation

The average cost of this surgery may vary around $2,500-$6,000. The intricacy of the process, the reputation and qualification and the geographical area decide the cost of the surgery.

Other complementary procedures

Rhinoplasty, liposuction, neck lift, cheek augmentation and jaw implants are some of the surgeries that may be done along with this to highlight the results of the patients.

Some considerations before the surgery

Although the implants may be removed later on, the chin implant may be able to alter the facial anatomy permanently.

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Knowing about chin augmentation surgery

Avoiding herbal supplements before surgery

ABC of Plastic Surgery

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