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Author: John Pan
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Cyberdyne HAL Robot Suit and Cybernetics Research

Back in 2009, Cyberdyne developed a robotic suit called Robot Suit HAL. It was exclusively designed for rehabilitation within the medical field.

It assisted with the rehabilitation of stroke patients and those who have suffered from injuries to their spinal cord.

According to Cyberdyne, it was also proven to be useful for workers that were performing physically exhausting activities while working in factories or within disaster sites helping victims or moving debris.

The suit is sort of like a cyborg-type robot that enlarge as well as improve advance its physical capability. The suit works through attempted moves made by the person.

Once the user tries to move, nerve signals are sent from the brain to muscles via a motor neuron, which causes the musculoskeletal system to move as a result of the signals. At his same moment, very weak biosignals can be detected on the surface of the user’s skin.

The suit can sense these biosignals and use them to move united with the wearer’s muscle movement and the machine.

This way the user can do their daily activities through the voluntary control system. It essentially interprets the user’s intention through the biosignals that the suit senses.

The robot suit also has a robotic autonomous control system that creates human-like movement. This is the first cyborg-type robot to be controlled by this unique type of system.

The specifications of the robot include a weight of about 23kg, battery powered for continuous operating time of about 2 hours and 40 minutes, and the ability to work indoors and outdoors.

The robot is expected to be applied to various fields of medicine, such as rehabilitation support and physical training as well as other fields like heavy labor support within factories, ADL support for disabled people, entertainment purposes, and rescue support for disaster sites.


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