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Author: John Pan
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Sure Shot Six pack abs Diet

Six pack abs is not just a style fad. People are longing for it because it really makes one striking. If you want to obtain a flat stomach, you must follow a dedicated six pack abs diet. This is the most excellent way to attain goals and of course, exercise will absolutely make an impact. However, you need to understand that a flat stomach secret usually lies in eighty percent of diet and twenty percent of physical workout.

Nutritional rules to follow for Six Pack abs:

Raw foods: Emphasize on consuming foods in their natural state. So eat good amount of fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and lean meats. These food items are also referred to as staples for six pack abs diet.

Do not starve yourself:

Keep in mind that your body will not provide you with what you want if you do not love it. Starving yourself or tormenting your body by not taking enough food can make it worse for you. When you go hungry, you are actually forcing your body to long for bad foods. It can also harm your body metabolism. When on a mission to burn fat, feed yourself with the right kind of food.

Eat small frequent meals:

Are you aware that the traditional 3 square meals tradition is absolutely wrong concept for your body? Ideally, it is important to focus on eating 4-6 times in a day. These meals should be small, well balanced and loaded with nutrition. Try eating every 3 hours to get the ideal body type.


Skipping breakfast is an offense to your body. This will not let you reach our goal. So strictly avoid skipping breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Eat a healthy, nutritional and filling breakfast. Include mussels, healthy oils, fruit servings and egg whites in breakfast.

Restrict starchy carbs:

Foods such as rice, pasta, bread and oatmeal consist of a slot of complex carbs and calories? Limit these as far as possible. Try consuming these carbs during breakfast or after a workout.

Lean Protein and healthy fats:

You must include good amount of protein rich foods in your diet. This means that you require including almonds, olive oil, avocados, natural peanut butter and egg whites in your diet regularly.

Green tea:

Green tea is more than just a tepid beverage. It will control your hunger and unnecessary cravings. It is also loaded with fat burning properties and antioxidants. Green tea is also a metabolic rate enhancer. It also helps in losing body weight easily and in a short period of time.

Water is vital:

Most people do not understand that water is a strong fat burner. Hence, you need to focus on having eight glasses of water in a day. This is the best way to keep the fat off your body.

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