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Author: John Pan
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How to use Feng Shui for Travel

Safe and happy travel is a dream of many who are regular with official, family or personal tours.

According to feng shui principle, activating the northwest corner of your house or office can help you enjoy safe and pleasant travel as frequently as you desire.

If you are considering an individual room, it is located directly towards the front right part of the Bagua.

This area is known to represent the energy that allows the entry of helpful and generous people in to your life. You would also be assisted by your guides to enjoy helpful people and their ideas in daily routine.

Additionally, the area represents supportive beings in to your life such as God, spirit guides, angels, spirit animals etc. The basic idea is to activate your area for travel.

You must also focus on visualizing exactly how you would like people to assist you in your goals and aspirations.

Here are some effective Feng shui travel tips to help you in this regard:

* Focus on utilizing affirmations that match with your desires.

* You must put figures, pictures and statues, in the entire area. These should be of religious nature. For instance, you can go for pictures of a cross, Christ, angels, or anything that represents your religion or spiritual beliefs. These will definitely let in helpful beings to your life.

* You must honor and respect your mentors via placing mementos of them in the northwest are. These can be anything from a business card, book, pictures, etc.

* Hanging wind chimes in the Northwest section of your home is also quite helpful. This will help you activate and enhance the quality of your patron luck.

* Strictly avoid sitting with door to you back. In case, this is not possible for you, just focus on placing a large above your desk.

This will reflect the entrance door of your house and prevent you from getting back stabbed.

* You can place a tiger made of ceramic or a fierce cat such as a panther, leopard or lion in the northwest area of your office or home.

* Hanging a bright colored flag or a banner in your front yard will do.

* Another great Feng Shui cure for travel is to place a birdbath/feeder in the yard. This will attract wild life and enhance the amount of energy in and around your home.

* You must focus on writing down what you love to do the most. Try placing these in different locations. This will allow you to see it as often as you want to.

* Make double sure your address is evidently noticeable from the road throughout the day and lit at nighttime if possible.

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