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You want to lose weight from your belly, legs or arms?

Whatever your problem area is, we have a secret formula that combines two ingredients specifically targeting the fat that gives you trouble. 

Want to lose weight from your belly 

Belly fat is extremely stubborn and is closely related to stress.

Fat belly is the easiest to gain and the hardest to lose
because abdominal fat is your body's emergency reserve, the one which is appealed only in extreme situations. And when you're stressed, your body does not give up to this fat believing that this is a crisis. 

Secret Formula: GLA and beans  

GLA (gamma linoleic acid) combats stress, calms the body, which thus can burn abdominal fat.

We recommend
one gram of GLA before each meal. Also, meals should be modified so that each of them contains one serving of beans. A few tablespoons of beans that you can mix in your favorite food are enough.

It is important to eat them
every day, at every meal for a week and you will see the first results. 

Want to lose weight from your butt  

Women usually accumulate fat in the buttocks
, which comes under the genetic and hormonal activity.

This is named the pear shaped body. 

Secret Formula: Chitosan and whey proteins  

Chitosan is a dietary supplement that blocks fat absorption in the body
, while whey protein is a clean, non-fat form source.

We recommend
a shake made from a tablespoon of whey protein, one gram of chitosan, a cup of water, a smashed banana, milled flax seeds and a teaspoon of cocoa. For one week, this shake should replace breakfast and dinner. 

Want to lose weight from your arms  

Fat on your arms is not only
unaesthetic but also dangerous for the heart.

It is difficult to eliminate it because
it is concentrated fat that your body keeps energy in reserve, in case that he will be hungry. 

Secret Formula: Parsley tea and sweet potatoes  

Parsley tea is a powerful antioxidant and diuretic effect, which removes water from tissues.
But most important is that parsley tea helps you feel full - you should drink six cups each day.

Sweet potato is the only carbohydrate food that you can eat and you must include in each meal
, prepared in various ways.

Want to lose weight from your legs  

Thighs fat is metabolically less active and less irrigated by blood vessels.

It gets there because the body tries to keep fat away from the internal organs.

Secret formula - calcium pyruvate vegetarian diet  

Calcium pyruvate is found in your body, but not in sufficient quantities
. Take one gram of this supplement before each meal and fat on the thighs will become more metabolically active, meaning it will be easier to convert into energy. At the same time you have to give up meat.

Meat contains saturated fat, which is deposited fastest at thighs level. Even so you need protein which you will need to get from plant sources: Soy, beans, nuts, almonds, etc.

Our tip:
Combine it with a balanced training plan and in 7 days you will see the differences. After this adopt a healthy, balanced lifestyle to maintain and even improve your look, tonus and state of mind.


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